The acute stress response has always served us to cope with danger, challenge, and acute situations (the “fight or flight” response). For this purpose, the body releases high doses of certain hormones (including katcholamines, glucocorticoids). This initiates the necessary processes in the body.
However, we also release the same hormones in the event of emotional stress (e.g. anxiety or panic), an uncontrolled flood of thoughts, high performance demands, time pressure, worries and interpersonal problems. There is also evidence that increasing exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) can lead to an activation of the sympathetic nervous system. People react differently to prolonged exposure to stress, which is always accompanied by negative reactions in the body (sympathetic tone, inflammation). Some people are able to tolerate those better (longer) than others. That is also related to genetic factors (e.g. COMT polymorphism, etc.). We can analyze the genetics of the “stress system” in the course of an examination and derive appropriate individual recommendations for you. Consequences of a chronic stress load (note: and a chronically increased sympathetic activity, which can also have other causes than stress) are chronic conditions (e.g. tinnitus, chronic fatigue and exhaustion, susceptibility to infections, burn out, depression, etc.). Likewise, chronic stress leads to a consumption of minerals, trace elements and vitamins. In addition to treating the causes, orthomolecular therapy is therefore almost always necessary to replenish the depleted reserves. Furthermore we also recommend to test for exposure to environmental toxins and chronic microbial pathogens (such as viruses, bacteria, parasites). Training of stress perception and the mind is also an essential part of the therapy, which can be carried out by oneself (e.g. MBSR according to Prof. Kabat-Zinn, medidation, Thai Chi, Yoga, Wim Hoff, etc.). Likewise, the adrenal gland, which is often affected, must be strengthened. Unfortunately, tiredness, states of exhaustion up to “Burn Out” are often the result without therapeutic intervention. Furthermore, chronic stress can disrupt all bodily functions and hormone systems and impair their function. The consequences of chronic stress are currently underestimated in conventional medicine and unfortunately often devalued by colleagues. Chronic stress can basically aggravate any physical ailment or be the straw that broke the camel’s back.