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HPU is not a disease, but a metabolic disorder with enzymatic weaknesses. Enzymes accelerate metabolic processes in the body. In HPU, the synthesis of the red blood pigment, heme, is disturbed. Toxic intermediates (e.g. coproporphyrinogen) are formed, which leads to an increased formation of hemopyrrollactam complexes.

These complexes bind the active form of vitamin B-6 (pyrridoxal-5-phosphate, P5P for short) and zinc in the body, and often manganese. These substances, which are essential for metabolism, the nervous system and the entire body, are then increasingly excreted in the urine with hemopyrrole and are now depleted in the body. This causes numerous disturbances in the body and leads to the many possible symptoms. Similarly, in HPU, heme synthesis is suppressed. This leads to a deficiency of heme. However, this is a central building block of cytochrome C, cytochrome P 450, etc., and this leads to further disturbances in the area of detoxification, the respiratory chain (essential for the body’s energy production in the form of ATP), the breakdown of free radicals, etc.. The diagnosis is made via a urine test for hemopyrrole. The intake of vitamin preparations with B vitamins or zinc and manganese should be paused 14 days before the test.

HPU affects approximately 10% of women and 1% of men. A congenital, primary form has to be distinguished from a secondary acquired form. The primary form predominantly affects women whereby entire families may be affected. The secondary form often affects men and is due, among other things, to heavy metals (e.g., mercury) or an unstable cervical spine (see Dr. Kuklinski). Common symptoms of HPU are fatigue, exhaustion, autism, ADHD, depression, premenstrual syndrome, allergies, and more; patients with HPU also tend to have increased oxidative stress (imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants), cancers, and impaired detoxification with problems during detoxification therapy. Detoxification therapy must always, especially in HPU, be done very carefully and is a great challenge for the patient and the therapist because of the enzymatic weaknesses and the lack of essential endogenous substances needed for detoxification (vitamins, trace elements, glutathione, SH groups, etc.). The determination of trace elements, especially zinc and manganese, as well as a supply of vitamin B 6 in its active form (P5P) is indispensable as a minimal therapy.

Testing for environmental toxins and heavy metals and appropriate therapeutic measures are also useful in the course of the treatment. Due to numerous enzymatic weaknesses and manifold symptoms, one should be prepared for a very long duration of therapy, usually in the range of 2-3 years.