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Preventive Medicine and all-round Check-up

On this page we would like to give you an overview of the importance of prevention in medicine and the all-round check-up carried out in our practice.

What is preventive medicine?

Preventive medicine is an important component of modern health care.

Its main goal is to detect and prevent diseases at an early stage before they develop into serious problems. Among other things, the focus is on promoting healthy lifestyles and identifying risk factors that can lead to disease.

Prevention enables diseases to be prevented or treated at an early stage, which improves quality of life and reduces healthcare costs.


Why is prevention important?

Preventive medicine plays a crucial role in promoting health and well-being. By actively working on your own health and having regular check-ups, you can reduce the risk of serious diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and many others.

A healthy lifestyle consisting of a balanced diet, regular physical activity and abstaining from smoking and excessive alcohol consumption is an important step towards a healthier life.

The all-round check-up in our practice:

The examinations in our practice can NOT be compared to the health check-ups at the GP. Our examinations and tests allow us to diagnose more widely and also allow us to give you detailed instructions and recommendations for improving your health afterwards.

We individualise the necessary examinations and laboratory tests, tailored to your age, gender and individual health risks. The following is an excerpt of our services in regard to our check-ups.

We examine:

1. Cardiovascular risk

Your individual risk of cardiovascular disease (synonym: cardiovascular risk) using precise and tailored laboratory diagnostics.

⇒ Further information on this: Clarification of your cardiovascular risk in our practice

2. Check-up of your vitamin and trace element depots

We check your supply of the most important vitamins (including B vitamins, vitamin D3) and trace elements: We determine the vitamins bioactively and the trace elements in a whole blood analysis ( This allows us to make more accurate statements about your actual supply status with these vital micronutrients.

3. Exposure to biochemical forms of stress

We determine your exposure to biochemical forms of stress, the so-called oxidative stress and nitrosative stress (NO stress).

If they persist for a long time, they have significant negative health effects and can permanently disrupt important processes in the body. Thus, if they are present over the long term, they can contribute to chronic inflammatory diseases, disruption of the cell’s power plants (secondary mitochondriopathy), autoimmune diseases and also the development of cancer.

We measure oxidative stress and NO stress by means of measurements in our practice (FORT/FORD measurement) and by means of laboratory determinations in our partner laboratories.

4. Exposure to heavy metals

If desired, we can perform a test of your individual exposure to heavy metals using mass spectroscopy (Oligoscan testing) by means of urine testing for various heavy metals and aluminum after the administration of chelators: We measure this with the so-called CEMET test (Abbreviation for the chelate-evoked metal excretion test, we measure the concentration of the metals 60 minutes after the administration of chelates by means of a urine sample in the partner laboratory IMD Berlin).

Heavy metals, especially lead and mercury, can lead to high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis, among other things, and thus significantly increase cardiovascular risk.

Further detailed information on the consequences of heavy metal exposure in the body can be found here:

Heavy metal exposure in the body and possible consequences

⇒ Heavy Metals in the Body (UPDATE) – A Risk Factor for the Development of Cardiovascular Disease.

⇒ YouTube video on the subject of heavy metals in the body (update)

Eliminate heavy metals by means of chelation therapy

5. Measurement of heart rate variability (HRV) and analysis of the vegetative nervous system.

Heart rate variability is the term used to describe the ability of humans to change the frequency of the heart rhythm. A good HRV speaks for an adaptable vegetative nervous system (or autonomic nervous system), if – on the other hand – it is very rigid, this is not beneficial.

The vegetative nervous system is the superordinate regulatory center for all organs and organ systems; it cannot be consciously controlled. Above all, it is also important to have sufficient parasympathetic activity or a balanced responsive vegetative system.

The parasympathetic nervous system stands for regeneration and recovery (anti-stress), the sympathetic nervous system is our flight or fight part of the vegetative system, which is usually overactive in today’s world due to high stress levels.
⇒ You’ll find an interesting article ahout this topic here:

There is no better diagnostics than HRV measurement, which indicates incipient organic disorders or cardiovascular risks at a much earlier stage, so the measurement of HRV is of very great importance. As part of the measurement, the integrated biofeedback stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system through breath modulation and reserves can be visualized. The patient can be shown the impressive effect of breathing exercises in a before-and-after comparison. We can absolutely recommend this as an investment in your health.

⇒ Further information on HRV measurement can be found here: and here:

More information about the all-round check-up:

Medical history

Your doctor will take your medical history and gather information about your past health, family history and lifestyle habits.

If necessary, further specific examinations

Depending on your individual risk factors, further testing may be recommended.

When should you have an all-around check-up?

It is recommended that adults over a certain age have regular all-round check-ups. Your doctor will recommend the appropriate frequency based on your individual health. In addition, an all-around checkup may be appropriate if you have certain risk factors, such as a family history of certain diseases or an unhealthy lifestyle.

Final words

Preventive medicine and all-around check-ups play an important role for optimal health. By getting regular checkups and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can actively help improve and maintain your health. Remember, prevention is better than cure and it is always better to optimize health processes in the body before a disease manifests itself.

Your well-being is close to our hearts!

Your practice team Dr. med. univ. Stefan Rohrer