Our environment has a pronounced influence on our health, to deny this is irrational. And of course does the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and much more influences our life and our body and its functions. From a building ecology perspective, our homes and workplaces and all the things that surround us on a daily basis play an important part. Environmental toxins damage us over time and many of the toxins are accumulation toxins, that is, they accumulate in the body. We live in an industrialized society and many pollutants circulate in the food cycle, which we cannot escape. We are regularly exposed to pollutants, light and heavy metals, xenobiotics, electrosmog and the like without actively noticing them. But our body has to keep the balance.
Our detoxification organs, first and foremost the liver, are busy around the clock removing environmental pollutants from our body and protecting us. In doing so, vitamins, fatty acids and trace elements are increasingly depleted and consequently deficiencies arise that have to be compensated for. Likewise, heavy metal loads lead to a perfect breeding ground for various microbial pathogens (e.g. from the family of human herpes viruses, Borrelia, parasites) and thus intensifying chronic ailments, and/or creating new ones.
Our body can be affected by environmental pollutants in different ways: On the one hand “toxic”, depending on the concentration of the pollutant and the duration of exposure (Haber’s rule). On the other hand “immunological”, independent of the concentration of the pollutant in the sense of a type 4 sensitization. Therefore, it always makes sense to initiate an environmental-medical diagnosis in case of chronic conditions or diseases as well as to support the detoxification organs.
In addition, there are genetic changes, especially in phase 2 of liver detoxification. About 50% of the European population carries a deletion of the GSTM1 gene. When exposed to xenobiotics such as benzpyrene, polycyclic hydrocarbons or heavy metals, a lack of GSTM1 enzyme activity can contribute to increased toxicity due to DNA-damaging intermediates. This is only one example! Often multiple genetic alterations of the detoxification apparatus are present in chronic diseases. We offer specific testing if desired.
We test these strains, explain the relevance and offer a concept to reduce the toxin load and stimulate the body’s self-healing powers. Dr. Rohrer is a member of the German Society for Metal Toxicology and is also familiar with Dr. Klinghardt’s and other detoxification concepts. We will be happy to advise you.